A 29-Year Labour Of Love
JSF 948 - A Condensed review of the long running and ongoing restoration
I sold my first Whitley at the request of my then girlfriend "it's either me or the car". However later I bought JSF948, my second Whitley in 1984 for £365, under an agreement with my wife (who had been that girlfriend) that the restoration of the car was the last consideration in our family time, finance and friendship. In August 1985 (see photo) I had just spent a total of £691.11 including the cost price.
I have kept a detailed breakdown on a spreadsheet of everything that has been spent on the car since its purchase including running costs. The major cost has of course been the body restoration. However in addition I have had the engine rebuilt with new Pistons and wet liners purchased from the club stores. Well - the club only had five which cost me £75 plus VAT for five and Hepworths produced the sixth for £120 plus VAT in 1990! I have also fitted many other new parts including new wiring loom, electronic distributer and fuel pump and much much more. The spreadsheet is now four pages long in very fine print.
The final photo was taken last year whilst doing a favour for my mechanic at the request of his daughter.
As I said to my wife when she inspected the costs to date on my spreadsheet " You have probably spent more on clothes and make up in the last thirty years."
She hasn't answered me yet...
James Brewster
Northern Island
Posted on the 12th April 2015 at 3:27pm.
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