Stars At The Cathedral
The South Midlands' latest outing was to the lovely Market Town of Wells in Somerset and a guided tour of the magnificent Cathedral. Half a dozen Armstrong Siddeleys (three Stars, a prewar 20 and a 12+) arrived with local members and we were very pleased to welcome Ann and Andy Blatchford and Iain and Margaret Campbell - visitors from the Southern Area. The cars attracted many admirers as they were given a very special parking area on the Cathedral Green in front of the magnificent West face of the Cathedral. On arrival Michael Cansdale very kindly provided coffee for us at his adjacent house and as it was a Saturday the well known town market was in full swing so was visited by many of us before a splendid lunch was taken in the Cathedral restaurant.
We then split into two small groups for a most interesting and informative guided tour of the Cathedral before going on our separate ways home at about 4pm. Many thanks must go to Paul Coombs for organising a most enjoyable and very different outing to the normal club events.
We all look forward to our next event which, for something different, is the Abergavenny Steam fair at the end of May (see calendar of events for details.)
Peter Pearson
Posted on the 28th April 2015 at 9:36am.
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