Good News For North American Owners
The big news that was announced at the Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club AGM on 16th July concerned the sale of spare parts to North American owners of our cars. The Club Chairman, Keith Dewhurst, was very pleased to announce to the audience which included members from USA, that the previous ban on sales of spare parts has now been lifted for all categories of parts which can now be dispatched completely world wide.
This new arrangement has been made possible due to a new insurance policy which is now available at reasonable cost for relatively small organisations such as this club.
So now our vast stocks of Armstrong Siddeley manufactured parts together with many remanufactured parts and a massive stock of second hand parts all held in Wiltshire can be available worldwide. Anyone, anywhere who is considering a purchase of one of these wonderful old cars can proceed with confidence in the knowledge that they will have the practical backing of more than 9000 different lines of parts held in the club stores. Club members also benefit from good discounts. More details and the contact details can be found in the stores page of this website.
Posted in Company News on the 19th July 2016 at 1:36pm.
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