For details of locally arranged events members should contact their local area organiser, for all other information on events please contact Ann Blatchford by email
All events are usually open to all members. Full event details can be found in the members area. It is not necessary to own an Armstrong Siddeley or to bring one to an event to join in.
National Day and Members’ Weekend
The Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club holds an annual National Rally and Members Weekend, usually around the second weekend in July. Whilst some members chose to make a weekend of it, others will come just for the day on Sunday, when judging takes place and trophies and cups are awarded to the winners of the various classes. For those who come for the weekend, we usually organise a picturesque run through the local countryside, visiting one or two interesting venues along the route.
National weekend 4th-6th July 2025
At The Holiday Inn, Lancaster & Leighton Hall
Please return booking form as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee room/dining availability after 8th May if you have not booked!
Friday evening barbecue: Traditional barbecue but with indoor seating available in case of inclement weather.
Saturday outing: There are various places to visit including the Lakeland Motor Museum (tickets available on our booking form), Holker Hall, Sizergh Castle, Blackwell Arts & Craft House and Windemere. A suggested route to the motor museum will be included in your rally information booklet, sent out prior to your departure. National Trust members: please have your cards with you as there may be an opportunity to visit one or more of their nearby properties.
Saturday evening dinner: See booking form for menu.
Sunday – National Day at Leighton Hall. You will need to book this in advance at – once you are on this website, find the 26th Classic & Performance Motor Show at Leighton Hall. Go to Club and Exhibit entry, then “I’m registering to join my other club members”. Below “add club name” enter “Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club” in full. On the same page, book for one exhibit entry (this covers driver and one passenger). Additional passengers in car can be booked here if required. The rest is all straightforward. If you are coming in a modern car, please first check their definition of a ‘classic car’ – you may get your car onto the stand – otherwise you will need public entry tickets. Early bird rates only available January – March. Please note there is a £1.00 admin charge on each booking. Any booking problems, let Ann know.
THE 2019 (CENTENARY) NATIONAL RALLY AND AGM followed on from a week-long tour, starting at Bamburgh Castle and Cragside in Northumberland, stopping off at York for a couple of days, then making our way down to Kenilworth Castle and Coventry. Nineteen cars were on display at Bamburgh Castle where we were joined by William Francis-Armstrong, the son of the current owner of the castle. Most of these cars then continued to make their way south, with others spending a few days at home then re-joining in Coventry along with many more making a long weekend of it in Kenilworth and Coventry. This was a truly international start to the tour with members and friends from Australia and the USA flying to the UK.
At Kenilworth we were joined by Lord Kenilworth and his family who all attended the reception at the Gatehouse, joined us for the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening and then presented our 2019 prize winners with their trophies at Coventry War Memorial Park. On the Sunday we had 103 members’ cars on the field and representatives from 8 countries/four continents. We completed the grand tour from Bamburgh to Kenilworth and now we are collecting photographs of the various Centenary Events for our forthcoming Centenary Book.
The AGM held in the Coventry Transport Museum was attended by over 60 people who then had time to look round the museum before making their way to the Guildhall for a Civic Reception with the Lord Mayor of Coventry. More than 20 of our cars were on display outside the museum for the day.
THE 2020 NATIONAL RALLY was cancelled due to Covid
The 2022 National Rally was held at Longden Village Hall. Details here.
The 2023 National Rally was held at the Baston Classic Car Show, Peterborough
The 2024 National Rally was held at Charlecote Park 12th - 14th July 2024.
The 2025 National Rally is being held 3rd - 6th July Leighton Hall near Carnforth. Details above.
Local Areas
Many local areas organise events, perhaps as a picnic and get together with members from the area, often at a stately home, and usually one or two fun runs, or we will take part in an organised classic car show, where you may well find a club stand. All members are very welcome to join in any of the club events, whether from the local area, or from further afield. There are also regular monthly meetings in several areas, including Southern Area and West Midlands.
Members are also made very welcome at events held in other countries, details of which will be covered in the club’s monthly magazine, Sphinx, and through the members’ log in. German members hold an annual long weekend holiday rally, the Dutch Club hold an annual National Rally, as do the Armstrong Siddeley Car Club in Australia – we do not expect you to take your car to this rally, but you will probably not be the only British member there if you decide to attend.
Forthcoming Events
After logging in, members can see details of forthcoming national, local and international events by going to Members Area and clicking on calendar for upcoming events. News and reports on past events can be found in the News section. Non members should email for details of events.